To Stop Them from Jumping
This is a very common puppy behavior, and unless you put a stop to it, your dog will continue to jump up for pretty much anything from food to water and even on your guests and furniture. This can be frustrating, but unless you teach them; otherwise, they will not stop because a dog will not understand when it’s okay to jump, and it is not. It’s important that your puppy does not receive any attention for jumping because this will be a sign of encouragement, so they will repeat this behavior.
You should not acknowledge their jumping because that sort of response is what they want and work on gaining control of the situation instead. A solid “sit” command, for example, will get them to stop, and you can do this by bringing a treat close to their nose and guiding it upwards over their head so that their backside automatically touches the ground. Reward them with a treat to acknowledge their correct behavior and repeat this training exercise.