2 Best AI Tools to Help boost E-Commerce Sales Now -AIPROG AI
If you have an eCommerce website, you’re probably familiar with retargeting and re-marketing. For example, you want to buy a new pair of sneakers. You start doing research by comparing brands, styles, and prices, and finally, land on the shoes that meet your expectations but didn’t buy for whatever reasons it may be.

If you have an eCommerce website, you’re probably familiar with retargeting and re-marketing. For example, you want to buy a new pair of sneakers. You start doing research by comparing brands, styles, and prices, and finally, land on the shoes that meet your expectations but didn’t buy for whatever reasons it may be.

You see over a few days that your online browsing is interrupted by ads for the sneakers you almost bought. Coincidence? Not. These ads remind you to complete your purchase until you eventually take the deal.

Using AI tools, AICommerce read the mail opening frequency, updated the mail format and data, and then resent the mail. This article will tell you how AICommerce helps you retarget and re-market for rapid growth and boost eCommerce sales.

Automatic Re-marketing With AI tools

AIPROG AI — Best AI Tools to Help boost E-Commerce Sales Now

Artificial intelligence utilizes comprehensive data from all over your site, such as traffic, shopping cart visits, time spent on the website, and more, to effectively target our re-marketing efforts toward the right audience and serve as the driving force in your campaign. It leads to in-depth, data-driven results — the key to creating a dynamic re-marketing campaign that supports your business’s long-term success and growth.

Customer Behavior

A collective view of customer data is valuable for analyzing customer behavior. The better you understand your customer segmentation, the more quickly you’ll be able to optimize your operations to focus on your most profitable customer segments to increase your ROI.

AICommerce analyzes your customer’s interests, in which products or product categories they are interested. Which kinds of products do they save on their Wishlist to buy later? And what type of products do they invest their time in scrolling?

Are your customers watching products online and shopping for them from a physical store? Does your potential customer’s shop when there is any discount on the products?

Analyzing customer behavior is the most efficient path to increase and boost eCommerce sales.

Buying Frequency

AI tools analyze a customer’s buying frequency, like their time of buying a product, Do they place an order for a product, when they get any discount, coupons, or vouchers, and what gender your customers are? And what categories of products do your customers buy frequently?


Analyzing a customer’s gender tells you much about their interests and potential buying behavior. AICommerce advanced technologies collect all the customer’s data and report their shopping frequency according to gender. We look at the online shopping habits of each gender and assess how this behavior will drive growth in mobile commerce sales of your business. Compared to men, women are more interested in shopping and buy every category of products more frequently. Focusing on the women’s category can help in increasing e-commerce sales rapidly.


It tracks customers’ locations from where they place an order for their Wishlist products. By knowing a customer’s desired location to place an order, we can provide them discounts on shipping costs, making them place an order without thinking much about the price. For example, if every customer has two shopping addresses, one is home and the second is an office, and if they place orders mostly from their home location, we will give them a discount on their shipping address.


It also breaks down online shoppers’ demographics by age and looks at what they’re shopping for and how their behaviors differ. As we already know, women have become the dominant mobile shoppers. AICommerce reflects overall shopping habits faster than any other e-commerce platform, shows you immense traffic, and boosts eCommerce sales.


AI tools can analyze customers’ monthly income and salary by knowing their shopping behavior and how frequently and costly products they buy without thinking much about the money. These potential buyers are beneficial to the growth and boost eCommerce sales.

AI-Sales Optimization

AICommerce– best e-commerce application with data analysis for AI sales optimization tools. boost e-commerce sales

The next phase in the graph database evolution with AI-sales optimization is fulfilling the needs of e-Commerce by providing deep link analytics. It enables customer intelligence in real-time, along with robust relationship analysis. With these real-time capabilities, e-Commerce sites can quickly synthesize and make sense of customer behavior.

AICommerce artificial intelligence generates a graph representing analytics customer-wise, product-wise, gender-wise, demographic, and salary of a customer by gaining their details. It helps re-marketing to attract traffic to your website and engage your targeted potential customers.

Basic Details

Basic details are personal information that a customer provides during the time of registration necessary to make a purchase. They can be divided into two categories Personal Data containing information such as the customer’s first and last name, address, or credit card details, and data related to cookies, device ID, and the general location. We provide popups between the user experience to collect additional customer data to know better about them.

It covers transaction data, user interaction with various store functionalities, and device information. This information helps to analyze customers’ dependencies and buying habits when shopping online.

Graph Generation

Our advanced AICommerce artificial intelligence provides real-time analytics by providing product-wise, store-wise, customer-wise, and brand-wise graph generation. This feature tells about the sales graph of your e-commerce stores. For “How many orders have been placed by which gender or category of customers?” And what categories of products or brands are bestsellers driving sales in your business? With the help of this graph, vendors can make necessary changes to increase their sales and drive more traffic.

This graph shows

By loading this graph, anyone can easily understand the buying behavior of their customers and can improve their sales growth.

Our AI starts suggesting –

  • Most sold products
  • Hours of most sales
  • Days of most sales


We live in exciting times where millions of choices are available at our fingertips. As businesses offer superior user experience, the digital marketplace has enabled them to engage directly with customers. If your e-commerce business wants to become a brand, choose AICommerce for best-in-class e-commerce solutions.

AICommerce expert-development and time-tested processes create your re-marketing campaign and tailor campaigns specific to your business goals with the help of advanced AI tools. AICommerce comprehensive approach means that they offer multiple areas of overlapping expertise, boosting efficiency and making your collaboration as successful as possible.

“More than just a reliable e-commerce platform”

The purpose of AIPROG’s to make Artificial Intelligence Tools or AI Tools boost e-commerce sales.

Do you know there are more than 6 billion e-commerce businesses worldwide? But, only a few less than 5% of e-commerce businesses are successful.

The only reason for e-commerce business failure is because the business owner doesn’t know exactly the business. They are doing what others are doing. Their business will run successfully if they focus on sales and marketing.

Due to a lack of marketing knowledge and high investment in marketing, we created AI sales optimization tools and AI Re-Marketing tools. With our high advance Artificial Intelligence tools, anyone can market their product with basic knowledge. Learn more here

AI sales optimization tools and AI Re-Marketing tools is inbuilt into our AICommerce platform.

AICommerce — Best e-commerce application for all business

AICommerce — best e-commerce solution to boost sales with AI sales optimization tools

All the points discussed above get in a single platform, i.e., AICommerce. We made a complete e-commerce solution for you to boost e-commerce sales automatically.

Boost online sales using our marketing features like SEO, Re-marketing, Chatbots, Affiliate Marketing, AI Re-marketing, Coupons and Vouchers, and advanced marketing features like AICommerce Ads AI Analytics, AI Sales Optimization, and Custom Delivery Charges. We look forward to supporting you on the road to success with our most advanced technologies like Database Stord Procedure, React Programming, Python Programming, accurate product descriptions, categorizations, and tags.

AICommerce welcomes you to join our extended family. Our team of experts creates problem-solving design and focus on highlighting the features of products. Utilize our team’s expertise to grow the tour brand online. Get the best e-commerce for your business and rule the world.

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